EP 11- Salty Taste in Your Mouth? Enough with the Gossip, Girl! Accountability Series Part 5


EP 11 Salty Taste in Your Mouth? Enough with the Gossip, Girl! How to Become the Best Friend, Mom, Wife, Sister, Co-Worker You've always Wanted to Be Accountability Series Part 5

Hey girl, what's up. Welcome back to Wholly Made life. So I want to ask you, do you have a salty taste in your mouth? Have you ever heard that saying, Oh, she's just salty or that let this salty taste in my mouth. So physiologically, that means that your taste buds are becoming more sensitive to salt. So you have a higher salt taste in your mouth, or you have a higher concentration of salt in your saliva that can happen when you get dehydrated. So the first suggestion is to drink more water, water hydrates you okay. It's healthy for your body. It, it, um, flushes out toxins. So we're going to talk about this, not necessarily an actual salt, but I want you to think about this analogy as salt being gossip.

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EP 12- How Do I Balance My Life? How to Fix the Broken Pieces of Your Life and Come out Stronger. Become A more productive MOM


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